The Battle of Waterloo. The deaths of six US presidents. The rise of Adolf Hitler. The deflation of the Japanese bubble economy, the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis...
"In a new Chinese bestseller, Currency Wars, these disparate events spanning two centuries have a single root cause: the control of money issuance through history by the Rothschild banking dynasty. Even today, claims author Song Hongbing, the US Federal Reserve remains a puppet of private banks, which also ultimately owe their allegiance to the ubiquitous Rothschilds.
In China, which is in the midst of a lengthy debate about opening its financial system under US pressure, the book has become a surprise hit and is being read at senior levels of government and business. The book's publisher, a unit of state-owned CITIC groups, says Currency Wars had sold almost 200,000 copies, with an estimated 400,000 extra pirated copies in circulation.
Song, an IT consultant and amateur historian who has lived in the US since 1994 and is now based in Washington, says his interest was sparked by trying to uncover what lay behind the Asian crisis in 1997. Song argues that the Fed's key functions are ultimately controlled by five private banks, such as Citibank, all of which maintain a "close relationship" with the Rothschilds." [Strangely, the book hasn't been translated into English yet.]
Parasite Watch
"Hedge fund manager George Soros [birth name Gyorgy Schwartz] who predicted the global credit crunch has said the financial crisis has been 'stimulating' and the culmination of his life's work. And while the financial crisis continued to deepen across the globe, the 78-year-old still managed to make $1.1 billion last year.
"It is , in a way, the culminating point of my life's work", he told national newspaper The Australian. Soros is one of 25 top hedge fund managers from across Wall Street who have defied the credit crunch crisis to reap a total of $11.6 billion last year. "
"Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad accused George Soros of ruining the Malaysian economy with "massive currency speculation". --
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