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23 January, 2009

UFO buzzes the White House during Inauguration!

Wait! This just in!

UFO buzzes the White House during Inauguration!

Holy Cow! What is this object that zips across the screen at 0:08 from the right?

Some say, it's a bird. Some say, it's a plane! As yet, it's unidentified.

The object is way too large to be a bird. It's either a spy plane or ....?

I told everybody last year there was going to be a strange otherworld event involving Obama.

It's right here:

From above link:

Please watch the video and take note at 0:08 and focus on the right of the screen.
Clearly to be seen is a disk shaped object that flies with incredible speed from the right of the screen to the left. Just to prepare you: First you will see mister W- Blitzer and his fellow presenter talking about the message mr Obama had said. Then, you will see an overview with the Washington monument to the right.

The object becomes visible on 0:08 on the right side of the Washington Monument and moves within seconds to the left side of the screen. The object is in our opinion way to fast to be a plane or helicopter. No way it is a bird. Should it have been a plane, it must have been a fighter jet. And, was it a fighter jet there should have been a sound of the plane flying over at the speed it did. Maybe a security drone by the Government? Then why is it flying at the speed it does?


  1. CNN Has altered (falsified) their videos The video on the 21st is DIFFERENT as the video now largely being discussed and of which people say it is a bird. The vid was taken offline for a few hours and then re published with a different more bird like object, it even flies a different route.

    Bring out the word.

  2. The object is way too large to be a bird. It's either a spy plane or ....?

    I told everybody last year there was going to be a strange event involving Obama.

    It's right here:

